Hi I’m Kaylin…

Hi yogis,

my name is Kaylin King- but go by Indigo. I am 20 years old and living in San Marcos Texas. My life didn’t start out in Texas- I was born and raised in San Diego, California. Living 10 minutes from the beach was the best part about growing up in California. When I was in middle school I went to surf camp; it was there that I was first introduced to yoga.

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Me with my one and a half year old rescue named Bailey.

Sadly in 2012 my Dad’s new job would relocate my family to Dallas, Texas. Finishing high school in Texas meant going to college in Texas. I wanted to get out of the state and back to California but in 2014 I visited Texas State University. That’s when I knew that is where I wanted to go. Three years later its 2017 and I am a Mass Communication Major and Theater Minor at Texas State University.

In my sophomore year, November 2016, I got very sick. Doctors couldn’t tell me why I was getting physically ill when I would eat. So I decided to change my diet and start practicing yoga seriously. After a couple months of change my life felt like it was improving greatly. I started researching yoga practices with Boho Beautiful and different natural healing techniques.

That is when I discovered the importance of Chakras. The spinning wheels of energy inside of our spiritual being. I want to share the knowledge I have acquired and applied to heal myself of an unknown sickness. I want to go on an enlightened journey to clearing my chakras and healing.

Yogis, Gypsies, the sick, the lost, join me in this journey of self discovery. I promise it will be worth it.

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Bailey and I do yoga together at the river in the mornings.


Don’t forget to keep up with me on twitter @KaylinKingTXST

Until next time…

xoxo Indigo